

So I’ve been swimming 5 days a week for an hour and doing yoga 3 days a week, I get up at 4 am for yoga, sounds crazy but it’s been effortless. Yes by afternoon I am like a zombie at office but I believe my body […]

April 30, 2016
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Attachment to food has more to do with stuff other than the food itself. Recently I went to one of my favourite haunts but with people who didn’t speak to me throughout, I realised had I been there with a friend chatting away I would have really enjoyed […]

March 11,2016
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Consistency is a quality I am working on. Consistency and discipline in some areas of my life have not been my strongest qualities so far. I tend to start things and leave them half way. I started learning Indian classical dance at 40 and the other day my […]

February 9,2016
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Minus 6 in 365

Self sabotage: I don’t get it, my mind can’t figure it out, can’t understand it, it’s an enigma, why in the world when I wanna lose weight and be healthier would I go and self sabotage myself and my efforts???? I mean come on. I will eat consciously […]

February 1,2016
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Minus 6 in 365

Shame an emotion that I have run away from often. It’s not one that I enjoy feeling though I do feel it. The shame of my marriage not working out, admitting it feeling it, felt shameful, like I failed at something that was important to me, being made […]

January 29, 2016
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Minus 6 in 365

I write because I love it, it’s like stirring the pot in me and in others, reading my post yesterday one would think it’s obvious part of what I was feeling was anger, shotgun blowing up men in the universe yet to me it wasn’t, I don’t […]

January 18, 2016
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Minus 6 in 365

Feeling low today, eaten three gingerbread biscuits left over from Christmas and a cheese slice, not bathed, on my forth movie, booked a fifth one at the cinema for 8.30 called Wazir. Relationships, I seem to suck at them, I don’t get men and they don’t seem to […]

January 17, 2016
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Minus 6 in 365

Belonging, family, purpose, these words…. I never realised how much they meant to me, if I look back at my life, I felt the safest when I belonged to something, for the longest time it was my family business, I ran it for some 20 odd years and […]

January 15, 2016
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