
What We Do

Peace comes only from within, yet we seek it outside ourseles, in relationships, in food, in things, in constant sense gratification. Glimpses of the Soul recognises and respects this very simple, ver

Mana, and Glimpses of the Soul, have various ways of bringing our tools of integrated living to you, depending on your particular situation and individual circumstances, as well as the time you are willing to commit – one on one counselling sessions, week long programs, weekend retreats, one day events, monthly group meet-ups.\r\n\r\nOur services are open to all, men and women, from the age of 14 upwards – you are never too old to seek insights into yourself! We guide youngsters seeking to find a more balanced start to adulthood, and help adults struggling with challenging circumstances in life, be it work or play or personal. For those with a vague sense of discontent with life that they cannot seem to erase, despite a seemingly good life, we facilitate awareness and articulation of what will make you happy. It’s time to discover your true self, who you really are – your soul is ready to heal.
One on One Journey Healing Session

We store so much pain in our bodies, so many emotions, with life comes joy and love and also painful experiences, so with each session we clear these cell memories and once we start clearing them, we feel lighter and open, truth starts pouring out of us and we get surprised when we connect with our true selves, sometimes for the first time.

Journey sessions are 2 hour sittings, conducted either face to face or on skype.

Emotional work sessions start with a specific journey process and each time we peel off an emotional layer that covers up some trauma. Together we empty out the pain and move towards forgiveness. Every aspect of the process is designed to heal.

In a physical journey process, we take a journey inside your body, unravelling memories at a cellular level. Together we listen to what your body tells us, so you can feel the stored emotion that was not dealt with at the time and empty out the associated negative emotions so the healing can begin.

In a no-ego session, we help you face fears and emotions that you have been running from or have avoided feeling. This usually results in a belief change or clearing of vows.

Usually one issue takes one session, sometimes more. Journey works at the root cause of the issue and removes it so one session is all it takes. The transformation happens from within. With a physical disease like cancer more sessions are required, our clients need weekly support till the cancer is cleared.

Programs & Retreats

We offer information and registration services for Brandon Bays The Journey programs. Each one of the seven levels of The Journey are week long residential programs held at different locations around the world. To know more about this emotional and spiritual growth program, please see the Journey page.

The Donna Divina program is offered as a retreat in the Silicon Valley of South India – Bengaluru. A quiet self contained house within this bustling city is the residential centre for an intense 10 days of introspection and self examination, using the proven tools and techniques of the Donna Divina program.

Journey Grad Meets

Graduates of The Journey program have ongoing support on their own personal journeys in the form of monthly get- togethers. The Journey Grad Meets are held every month for those who have completed at least one Journey program or 5 Journey sessions. These are group support style meetings to compare and share your experiences with others on their personal journeys, using a common frame of reference and vocabulary – that of The Journey.

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