
Praying to Eat with Freedom

Attachment to food has more to do with stuff other than the food itself. Recently I went to one of my favourite haunts but with people who didn’t speak to me throughout, I realised had I been there with a friend chatting away I would have really enjoyed this dream meal, a sizzler with fries, mash potato, cheese, mushrooms, ice tea and no sign of any protein 😋 😆 my dream meal and yet I didn’t enjoy it. I missed the connection some warmth and conversation. At life transformation week I watched people miss their home food, food they were accustomed to. For some it was protein, one delegate was sad while leaving cause he would miss the South Indian cuisine, the same food created so many different reactions.

My prayer is to be able to eat from freedom. So in answer Grace gave me ‘food’ to look after at prac week 👌🏽 Feeding others made me realise how our happiness, our sense of security and our connection to our roots is linked to food. To different degrees off course but everyone there wanted or got something from their food, I could sense a connection. Towards the end it was almost like desperation, not getting food the way they liked it or were used to eating, including me 😝 Some wanted it spicy some bland some found it monotonous some went running all over the place for something sweet at night, some would react to certain foods and so they avoided them. Food plays an important part in our lives.

Last 2 nights we organised French Fries, mushroom soup, cake and ice cream. O My God never before have ketchup and fries tasted soooo good 🍟 The smiles on people’s faces made my heart sing 😍 In all of this my relationship with food or the way I look at it seems to be changing. I don’t know my path forward to eating food with freedom and it feels so good to not need to know the path, huge achievement for a mind type 😘 I do know that I am becoming more relaxed around food, I am appreciating respecting and enjoying how important food is in my life, I am learning to let go ‘trying to fix my food issue’ and changing my focus to trusting Grace one step at a time.

March 11,2016
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Stop The food Fight
Emotinal Eating

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