
Something works!!!

So I’ve been swimming 5 days a week for an hour and doing yoga 3 days a week, I get up at 4 am for yoga, sounds crazy but it’s been effortless. Yes by afternoon I am like a zombie at office 😋 but I believe my body is adjusting to this shift in me, loving it actually. Something has shifted in me.

I sense it may have to do with a strong prayer I have put out, the one area I have felt hooked in life is food, for me if I could learn to eat from freedom it would be a huge achievement. And another might be knowing myself and working around it, like I forget to drink water so I put an hourly alarm on my phone, recently I felt thirty and drank water and a min later the alarm went off so my body is learning to drink more 👌🏽 . I recently saw Vittal, the company made a water bottle cap with a one hour timer, a flag that goes off in an hour when wound 😛

I realised I don’t have the discipline to go to a class with my crazy schedule so I went online and found a yoga teacher who comes home. I fixed the time for 5.30 in the morning so that I have no excuse to cancel 😋 I am so enjoying the class, I see colours when I do the breathing exercises, something to do with my chakras I guess, yes I have threatened my yoga teacher a couple of times mostly in jest & #128518; He tries to count slowly or make a twenty count a ten. I asked him have you learnt karate? No? I have. Right now all I can imagine in putting a mattress behind you, kicking you and seeing if you can take my kicks, I need some motivation so what do you say? He actually said yes 😆 how I love flirting with the men who come into my life 😋 😋one time he was doing this slow counting and I said do you wanna get punched??? Piss me off and you will 😆 😆 😆 😆 you know the heat, the timing, can you blame me 🌟 🌟 😋 😝 😋 😝 one observation I made is a target helps me, I start off and somewhere I ask him how many…. and I love chasing the target, it keeps me going…

A school friend called me recently, Grace sent Angel I am sure, we were competitors in school, in athletics, me green house, her blue house, she’s hard core disciplined, I met her couple of times during my jogging days, she’s swimming at another club everyday but her club pool is under renovation for a year, so now we swim every weekday morning, the magic is how I declared I was working on this quality consistency and how the universe responded. Magic I say Magic 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 I am eating less sugary stuff and not in a denial kind of way but a natural kind of way, it’s too hot to eat and I seem to be more aware of myself. My weighing scale battery needs to be changed and I’m in no hurry to change it, it plays on my mind, my weight and I’m happy to not look as of now. One of my favourite things is to pray to the sun when I am in the pool, I love the sun 🌞 I find water healing 🏊 the combination is lifting, I offer water to the sun all the elements to grace, I offer my gratitude for these changes these shifts 😍 🌹 🧡

April 30,2016
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5 comments on “Something works!!!”

  1. Talk to your doctor to see if you are deficient in. This will help you can go on to form the perfect diet that meets your needs.

  1. I really enjoy the post. Keep writing.

  1. You cann at imagine just how much time I had spent for this information! Thanks!

  1. Wow, great blog.Thanks Again. Really Great.

  1. Essays like this are so important to broadening people’s horizons.

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