
Self Sabotage

Self sabotage: I don’t get it, my mind can’t figure it out, can’t understand it, it’s an enigma, why in the world when I wanna lose weight and be healthier would I go and self sabotage myself and my efforts???? I mean come on. I will eat consciously 90% of the time but the 10% buggers it up. I lost a kg recently, it’s been a week or more, I’ve been good, exercised, put food that will nourish me, been burning more calories than the one’s going in, it shows on the scale, I’ve lost a kg. Then self sabotage kicks in, it’s like my body or mind or a part of me has decided that it’s not ok to lose weight, before I know it, I will eat those chocolates or fried stuff or not exercise or something and gain back the weight. I can’t say for sure but feels very much like self sabotage. I’ve just come back from assisting in a Journey event called healing with conscious communication so I’m thinking maybe a 6 step reframe might help.\r\n\r\n

\r\n\r\n I wanna thank you all for your feedback and encouragement you all are giving with your comments 🌹 I am deeply grateful, writing about my emotions and my journey with food, sharing it here, absorbing your comments is somehow helping me. Writing for me is a little like getting a journey process, my emotions are being felt and released as they are being written about, it’s liberating.\r\n\r\n

\r\n\r\n So I carried 3 packs of chocolates for my fellow trainers, delegates and the staff who are now family 🧡 at the school of ancient wisdom, a magical place in Bangalore with peaceful divine powerful energy of the masters. Have given and received some of my most powerful processes here. I love this place 🧡 \r\n\r\n

\r\n\r\n Bounty, Mars and Sneakers were bought and they were around me the whole 3 days and I didn’t eat even one. My body or mind or my being just didn’t want them, they weren’t tempting me somehow. 💃 💃 🍷 🍷 couldn’t resist the delicious Indian deserts Manju cooks at the school for dinner 😆 😆 but when I ate them this time I ate them consciously and enjoyed every morsel, no woofing them down and there was no shame or guilt.\r\n So thank you for sharing this journey with me 👄 👄 may what is working for me continue to work ☝ ☝

February 9,2016
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  1. No matter how you do it, losing weight is an individual thing. Friends can help you but they can’t lose the weight for you. You’ve got to take charge of your weight loss from the beginning if you want to get serious about losing weight. The following tips will help.

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