
Discovering my feminine divinity

I have always felt like a man. Give me a job and you know it will get done. I am a responsible person. My brother was born when I was 13, my sense of duty was so strong that my only career option was to look after my family business till he could, it never occurred to me that I could even consider anything else. I ran my family business for 20 years out of a sense of duty. Was a tom boy in school 😋 would roll up my sleeves keep my hair short. Ever receive a gift from me? It will always be a practical one, I nearly lost a boyfriend once when I gifted him an office bag for his birthday 😆 , I can never forget the look on his face 😘 I thought it was a lovely gift chose it myself, he thought it the the most unromantic thing I could gift him. I’ve felt like a man and mostly have been around male energy. At work I looked after my family business and even through my workers and colleagues became my family they were mostly male. Always had a man by my side, didn’t have to look far, one relationship ended and my energy would attract another partner. I entered the Donna Divina program 85% as a man and left 40% as a woman. I learnt to feel, to access, to accept, to celebrate really, all aspects of my divine womanhood. It was the first time I was so long around only female energy, it felt very different, safe and very supportive, very nurturing, this strong energy made me access the more intuitive side of me. I have noticed my energy and behaviour changes when a male is around, this time it was more relaxed. With only females there is a different language a different understanding it’s very loving, nurturing. Every body beats to their own rhythm and here I found mine. I realised my identity was wrapped up in service, if I couldn’t serve there was no Mana, serve my family, serve God, if you removed my ability to serve I would die, I would not exist, so here I was able to let this false identity of mine go, my ego.

May 1,2016
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3 comments on “Discovering my feminine divinity”

  1. You can always tell an expert! Thanks for contributing.

  1. You’re on top of the game. Thanks for sharing.

    You are preparing …
    thanks for the great work
    Love you,

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