
Day 1

I have food issues and in order to help myself, I’m planning a 365 day journal. My target is to lose 6 kgs by my birthday next year in June. I will weigh myself every Saturday morning Today I am at 0 My aim is to be -6 kgs by next year I really do want to be healthier than I am, and in order to achieve something, one should set a target, so I have made one for myself, with a generous time limit of 365 days to make it happen. I like writing about my journey with food, my ups and downs, I like writing about my success & failures, I like sharing what works and what doesn’t work, it’s helps me stay on course and I hope my journal guides, helps and encourages others on their own food journey. Honestly, I haven’t figured it all out yet myself. I have lost weight in the past, like 5 kgs and more, but never managed to keep it off, and I wanna find out what it will take to lose AND to keep it off. Minus 6 in 365 is my learning diary.

When a woman looks at her body why is it that she doesn’t see the beauty in it? Most women I know wanna lose some weight, but it’s like we know we must not, yet we sneak in unhealthy food Through Journey I learnt about how I suppress painful emotions by stuffing food in myself, I still sneak in unhealthy food but I’m better, meaning I do it but I do it much less compared to before So Day 1 today, and I just wanna say I have no plan, for a mind-type like me, not having a plan is extremely unusual, but this adventure of mine is gonna be unplanned, no rules, no structure even as I am typing the words my brain is going into a frenzy

I’m on a bus on my way to a 4 day trek in Iceland with my best friend. We had no time to have breakfast and so I ate some food I was carrying. No one else ate anything, just me, it’s like I’m obsessed with food On the bus they told us we’d have a picnic around noon before starting on the trek and my mind relaxed, it’s like I need food around me at all times, just in case. Ever felt like that?

July 2,2017
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Minus 6 in 365

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