
DAy 3

I just walked 16 kms today, have to admit, the last 2.5 kms was really hard, the trekking shoes I’d hired were the wrong size, so I am doing this trek in my river keds Today we walked a lot in the Iceland desert, which isn’t all beige soft sand but more like black ash, and during the last stretch of trekking my shoes got wet crossing the river, the ash got into my wet shoes, after that each step has been so painful! Add to that, my backpack was so heavy and my shoulders too are killing me right now Having endured all that, I don’t feel hungry here, at breakfast I had 2 slices of brown bread with honey and some fruit, and when the oats came I was feeling so full, I actually wondered what to do with the oats, usually I just gulp down what’s put in front of me, but this morning I felt full and said no, even at lunch I couldn’t finish my sandwich, yesterday I was offered chocolate and I had some but there was no feeling of “let me hide and have some more” or even a desire for it Sometimes life feels like a mountain that I seem to be looking at from the bottom. Especially when I am back home in Mumbai If food is not an issue here then how do I make it a non-issue back home too? I wonder….

Me and My trekking path

July 4,2017
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