
Day 14

I weighed myself and I have put on 100 grams so I am minus 0.9 I know what it was it was yesterday’s 6 meals and the pineapple dessert Ok so this week I shall bring on my A game which means I cut back on the cheese I injured my arm carrying a heavy back pack so am gonna take it easy today How do I feel about gaining weight? Ok actually I was worried it would be more, but I really am contemplating weighing myself everyday not to mention it here on my journal but for myself to see what foods suit me and what don’t, Judy’s idea It is easier to take action daily than to wait for a week and then act….

so the results of my sleep issues came back and I have moderate sleep apnea, while sleeping I stop breathing 21 times an hour, going on Wednesday to buy a C Path, it’s like a mask that I will wear at night that will open my airway when it closes, can’t wait to share my snap with a freaking mask on my face!! They said it will help with my weight loss, as I get better sleep my energy level will go up and my cravings for sugar and carbs will come down Seeeeeee It’s all the lack of sleep making me eat the pineapple dessert

July 15,2017
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