
Day 7

Ok so having a miserable day, I weighed myself and I’m just minus 0.5 kg and I’m feeling miserable!!!! And when I’m feeling miserable I stop functioning, haven’t stepped out of the house, all my plans for the day tossed out, binge watching Suits on Netflix as an escape, thank God I have to go to a A R Rehman concert which I can’t get out of. Also good there’s no nasty food in this house or else it would have all wound up in my stomach !!! As an observer I find myself asking myself what am I avoiding feeling? Hmmm let’s see I walked 40 kms and I thought I’d have lost some more weight I’m feeling upset and frustrated and pissed I guess losing weight is about everyday not a one time thing, it’s bringing structure and planning and a stable state of mind to one’s life and I find myself asking am I really willing to do that? Truth is I don’t know but I sure am going to find out By the way last night I came home to rotla and baigan bharta and a mouth watering biryani, with some Marks & Spencer’s coleslaw – my all time favourite !!!! I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed a taste of home…


July 16,2017
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